Day 9-Be Patient, and Don’t Grumble!

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. — 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Maybe you can relate to this ladies day: Having my garbage disposal explode all over the kitchen isn’t exactly an example of enduring suffering, but it certainly was a test of patience. The remnants of apples, beets, and oranges blanketed my hardwood floor. It was a mess a chunky, bright-red mess.

As I cleaned up the kitchen, I felt anxious and stressed. I thought about all the things I had to do and how this wasn’t the way I wanted to start my day. I was angry. I silently chastised my husband for not making the seal tighter when he put the sink back together a few weeks ago. I was irritated that my daughters kept asking when I was going to make them breakfast. Wasn’t it obvious I had a disaster on my hands?

In that moment, two verses came to mind: “Be patient” (James 5:7) and “Don’t grumble” (James 5:9).

Uh oh. I was clearly guilty on both counts. I was certainly complaining in my spirit, and I didn’t have a single ounce of patience in me. Determined not to let this unexpected incident ruin my day, I stopped, took a deep breath, and asked God to give me strength. Not only did he help me clean up the food flung all over my kitchen but also he gave me what I needed the most—his perspective. God reminded me that trials of every shape and size, even the most unpleasant ones, are often heaven-sent opportunities to mature as a follower of Christ. I realized that the garbage-disposal fiasco that morning was an opportunity to put my faith into action by being thankful, despite the inconvenience of it all.

As you go about your day today, view any challenging situations you face as ways to be more like Jesus. When you see the circumstances in your life through God’s eyes, you won’t be rattled when your plans are interrupted. You won’t grumble and complain. You will respond with a thankful heart.

Verses for additional study:

Psalm 7:17

Psalm 28:7

Psalm 118:28
