Day 1—Fasting Begins with Confession

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sin and purify us from all unrighteousness.—1 John 1:9


Today is an exciting day as you set out on your Daniel Fast journey. God has much to show you, so it’s important that you get started on the right foot. Since the purpose of fasting is to seek God through prayer, it only seems right that on day 1 we look at how Daniel approached the Lord.

One day, when Daniel was studying the words of Jeremiah the prophet, he was greatly troubled by what he read. He understood from the Scriptures that the Israelites were going to suffer for many years to atone for their rebellion against the Lord. Daniel’s immediate response was to fast and pray. His words are recorded in Daniel 9 and lay the foundation for how we should begin this Daniel Fast.

Daniel’s first words acknowledged his sin and the sin of his people. In verses 4 – 10, we see phrases such as “we have sinned and done wrong,” “we have been wicked,” “we have turned away from your commands,” “we have not listened,” and “we have not obeyed.” Daniel knew it was necessary for the Lord to purify him from the unrighteous behaviors in his life before his time of prayer and fasting could be effective.

Why start with confession? Our God is a holy God, and when we live in willful disobedience, our sins prevent us from enjoying sweet fellowship with him. Confession breaks down the barriers that stand in the way of his full blessing in our lives.

As you spend time in prayer today, ask God to reveal your attitudes and behaviors that do not line up with his Word. As he brings those sins to your mind, confess them. Agree with the Lord that you have been wrong. Once that has been done, receive his forgiveness and mercy. Then, thank him for cleansing you and purifying you from all unrighteousness.

You are now ready to move forward. God has led you to do this Daniel Fast, and he has much to do in and through your life over the next three weeks Expect great things, because our God is a great God! Lord, show me any areas in my life that are not pleasing to you. I turn away from my sins and turn to you, O God, so that I can begin this fast with a clean conscience and a pure heart. I’m excited about what you are going to do over the next three weeks!


Prayer for Today

Lord, show me any areas in my life that are not pleasing to you. I turn away from my sins and turn to you, O God, so that I can begin this fast with a clean conscience and a pure heart. I’m excited about what you are going to do over the next three weeks!

Verses for additional study:

Psalm 38:18

Psalm 51:2

Proverbs 28:13
